Singing Guide: Lily Allen

Singing Guide: Lily Allen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Lily Allen: Mastering Her Quirky Style

Lily Allen is a British singer-songwriter known for her quirky vocal style and satirical lyrics. Her unique blend of pop and ska rhythms has gained her a massive following worldwide. If you're an aspiring singer and want to learn how to sing like Lily Allen, this article will provide you some practical tips and techniques to make that happen.

Mastering Lily's Vocal Technique

The first step in learning how to sing like Lily is to master her vocal technique. The key to her vocal style is the way she blends spoken word with singing. Her delivery sounds conversational, but it's also melodic and rhythmical. Here are some tips to help you master this technique:

  • Practice speaking the lyrics of Lily's songs before attempting to sing them. This will help you get a better feel for the rhythm and flow of her vocal style.
  • Focus on your enunciation. Lily's singing style is characterized by clear and distinct articulation. Try exaggerating the consonants to achieve her signature sound.
  • Don't be afraid to add extra vibrato to your voice. This will help you achieve that playful and whimsical sound that Lily is known for.

Songs That Showcase Lily's Style

One great way to learn how to sing like Lily is to study her songs. Here are some tunes that showcase her unique vocal style:

  • Smile: This song is a great example of Lily's conversational singing style. Listen to how she blends spoken word with singing.
  • LDN: This song features a whimsical and playful vocal melody that is characteristic of Lily's style.
  • The Fear: Here you can hear Lily's signature vocal vibrato and distinct enunciation.

Using Singing Carrots Resources to Improve Your Skills

At Singing Carrots, we offer many resources to help you improve your vocal skills and learn how to sing like your favorite artists. Here are some resources that can help you master Lily's vocal style:


Learning how to sing like Lily Allen takes practice and patience. By mastering her unique vocal technique, studying her songs, and using the resources provided by Singing Carrots, you're on your way to mastering Lily's quirky and playful style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.